For any enquiries regarding advertising or any general queries relating to this portal, please contact the publisher, Marius Boraine at
Please note that by using the contact numbers below or submitting the form below, you will be contacting the publishers of this portal and not any medical facility or service in particular. As the publishers of this portal, we do not perform any medical services of any kind.
To contact any particular counsellor, psychologist or medical service advertising on this portal, please refer to their individual advert(s) as published elsewhere on this portal, using the main menu down the left hand side of this portal.
Contact details of the publisher of this portal:
Marius Boraine
Cell : +27 (0)82 897 9854
Office : +27 (0)21 791 0135
Fax: 086 671 5009
Email :
Alternatively, you could contact the publishers of this portal by completing the form below.