Many hundreds of ships have been lost in the shallow of Table Bay since the seafaring nations began to use the bay in the 15th century. Remnants of many of these wrecks lie along the shores of the present bay, on what was Woodstock Beach and extend northwards across the edge of Table Bay towards Milnerton and Blaauwberg. Some may have been covered during reclamation of the foreshore. Milnerton lagoon previously formed part of the massive Salt River estuary and Paarden Eiland complex. This body of water is believed to have stretched from what is now Duncan Dock to Rietvlei. It was semi-navigable and ships were careened in the mouth of the river. Unfortunately, during dredging operations in 1985, material to a depth of 2 metres was removed from the lagoon close to Milnerton. This process is likely to have destroyed any material in the lagoon. One should also bear in mind that the present shoreline at the lagoon mouth has eroded some 90m inland as a result of harbour engineering.
The South African heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) historic shipwreck database has the most comprehensive list of shipwrecks along the Blaauwberg coastline. Many of these are well off the beach and will not be impacted on by development and are also not accessible to the general public. The only possible exception to this is the wreck of the Nieuwe Haerlem, the site of which has not yet been found. The wreck of the Oosterland has been excavated by the Maritime Archaeology Department at the University of Cape Town. This wreck lies offshore, to the south of Milnerton Lagoon.
Some of the better documented shipwrecks off the Blaauwberg coastline follow (in date order):
The wreck of the Mauritius Eylant.
The ship Mauritius Eylant arrived at the Cape on the 16 February 1644. That night it wrecked itself in the thick mist on the rocks at Mouille Point. The crew managed to get the ship off the rocks, but the hull was so badly damaged that they wisely decide to, in face of deteriorating weather, to let the ship wash up on the beach at the mouth of the Salt River. The crew of 340 managed to save the bulk of the cargo and transfer it to land. Here they erected a fort out of vats and erected a cannon.
Another Dutch ship, the Vrede, loaded a substantial amount of the cargo, the captain and 40 crewmembers and left the wreck in Table Bay. When the news of the wreck got back to Batavia, a ship named De Tijger was sent to pick up the rest of the cargo and crew. This happened without incident.
The crew of the Mauritius had thus spent about 4 months on the Blaauwberg coast near Salt River. During this time, there were no fatalities and minimal discomfort. This resulted in the Dutch East India Company realising that the possibility of establishing a permanent settlement was not so far fetched as they might have thought.
The wreck of the Nieuwe Haerlem.
The stranding of the ship Nieuwe Haerlem near the Blaauwbergstrand beach (where the Dolphin Beach complex is now situated) on the 25 March 1647, not only gave further weight to the establishment of a permanent settlement at the Cape, but actually resulted in a permanent settlement arising.
The Nieuwe Haerlem was nearing Table Bay on its return trip to Holland, richly loaded with cargo from the East. It left Batavia with two other ships, the Olifant and the Schiedam. On the trip, the ships must have become separated, because the Nieuwe Haerlem found itself alone. As the Nieuwe Haerlem came into Table Bay, it saw an unknown ship tethered to its normal anchoring place. To encounter an unknown ship in an unfamiliar place was in those days a scary matter. Great tension reigned on the Haerlem. To ascertain what ship this was, captain Van 't Zum sent a boat to investigate, but the South-Easter, which was blowing a bit, suddenly came on strongly. Before Van 't Zum realised what was happening, his ship was taken by the wind and swept to the north-eastern side of the bay, where it got stranded on a sandbank. The anchor was thrown out, but due to the strength of the wind, the anchor line broke and the Haerlem was pushed further to the shore.
It was now evening. The crew tried to attract the attention of the other ship by using cannon and lanterns, but to no avail. After an anxious night, the boat sent out by the Haerlem returned with the news that the other ship in the Bay was the Olifant and that they though that the cannon and lanterns were a sign for them to return! Cornelis Claesz, the skipper of the Olifant, arrived in his own boat to see if the Haerlem could be salvaged. They also did not realise the power of the South-Easter and very soon, they were also in trouble. His boat's anchor line also broke and the boat started drifting towards the beach. The skipper lost his balance on a boat that was being thrown around in the wind and he fell badly. With broken arms and legs, he was later transferred to the Haerlem by his crew, who in doing so put their own lives in danger.
The following morning, a boat, together with crew and two carpenters, was sent out from the Haerlem to the shore, to go and form some sort of shelter. In doing so, this boat also capsized and one crewmember drowned. The rest reached the beach and started constructing some kind of shelter. With the assistance of a rope attached from the Haerlem to the shore, rescue work began.
The next morning, two English ships entered Table Bay. The next day, Van 't Zum asked them to assist in rescue and salvage work. The two ships readily gave their assistance and two days later departed with 40 crewmembers of the Haerlem aboard. At this stage, not all the crew on board the Haerlem had left the ship.
On the 31 March, Van 't Zum landed ashore and walked all the way along the coast to where the Olifant was anchored. The next day he returned with helpers, so as to establish a "settlement". On the same day, the Schiedam, the third ship in the original group, arrived. Their crew also assisted with the building of a settlement. It was decide that Leendert Janszen would stay behind to look after the goods on shore.
The Schiedam and the Olifant left on the 12 April with the rest of the Haerlem's crew, a large
part of the cargo and the Haerlem's books and documents. Only Janszen and his men
stayed behind, and constructed Fort Zandenburgh.
The wreck of the Rygersdal.
During their dreadful journey from Holland to Table Bay, 125 men on board the Dutch East India Company ship died of scurvy. After 4 ½ months at sea, they eventually sighted Dassen Island on the 25th October 1747. Robben Island was reached with difficulty due to the few fit crew, and anchor was dropped. A strong south-easter blew shortly afterwards and caused the anchor rope to part. The ship was swept towards Ysterfontein, where it was blown ashore on the west coast at Silwerstroomstrand.
20 men reached the shore safely with a boat. They had taken with them the ships logbook. 4 more reached the shore afterwards. 93 men were drowned. An expedition was sent from The Castle to fetch all valuable goods, but found only one chest of money.
Today the spot is known as Springfontein se Punt and lies north of Melkbosstrand. A number of brass cannon were salvaged lying in about 3 metres of water, amongst boulders. 6 large and 4 small cannon were also salvaged. The reef, which lies about half a kilometre from the shore, is covered with black mussel, red bait and short kelp. The area towards the west is very shallow reef. The reef only shows at low tide and is surrounded by sand. A number of steel cannon are left there, as they have no value. A lot of the ships conglomerate has been removed by small controlled blasts, so as to recover the coins undamaged which were imbedded in it.
The wreck of the La Cybelle.
The La Cybelle was a French slave ship of twelve guns. It was wrecked a little north of Bloubergstrand on 19 March 1756 while on a voyage from the coast of Guinea (West Africa) to Mauritius with a cargo of slaves. She had entered the bay for water. No lives were lost.
Cape Archives, V. C. 34
In 1773, there was a particularly bad storm in Table Bay. There were five ships of the Dutch East India Company lying in the bay. None of the vessels should have been in the bay. Instead they should have sought anchorage at Simon's Bay as this was considered to be a safer winter anchorage. It was the Company's ruling not to anchor in Table Bay after May 15 due to the unpredictable weather. For several days the ships had been ready to put to sea, but a north-westerly gale had been blowing hard and had prevented them from sailing. On May 31st 1773, the gale had reached its full height and each of the ships had dropped additional anchors in an effort to hold them steady. Soon the hawsers holding the anchors began to snap under the pressure of the storm.
Worst placed of all the merchantmen was De Jonge Thomas, carrying 207 men and captained by Barend Lameren. At five o'clock in the morning of 1st June 1773, she was straining at her last anchor. Rather than be caught unprepared and be driven ashore at the mercy of the storm, Lameren decided to beach the vessel whilst he could still choose the spot. Accordingly, the anchor rope was cut, and with the light sails set, the ship bore down on the beach. The captain had chosen the level stretch north of Salt River mouth to run ashore; unfortunately he was unaware that that the Salt River had burst its banks and was emptying into the sea near the spot he had chosen. Even more unfortunately, at the moment of impact, De Jonge Thomas swung broadside to the beach. Less than two minutes pounding from the gigantic waves broke the ship's back and she parted in two at the mainmast, which crashed overboard.
This was the sight that met the eyes of Governor Van Plettenberg at dawn, when he scanned the bay anxiously. His first reaction, no doubt, was to breathe a prayer of thanks that the eighteen money chests which De Jonge Thomas was carrying from Holland were still ashore in the Castle for safe custody. Then he sent thirty soldiers down to the beach. Normally this procedure was of little avail to the unfortunates wrecked out in the bay, but that day it was to save lives.
The first military step, as usual, was the erection of a gibbet on the beach, to hang any trespassers. Then the soldiers commenced collecting salvaged goods, periodically casting a sorrowful glance out to sea, where pitiful cries could be heard from those survivors still clinging to the wreck.
Amongst the soldiers was Corporal Christiaan Woltemade; in the course of the day his father, Wolraad Woltemade, rode up on horseback, bringing him a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread. Wolraad Woltemade was no youngster. As a soldier, he had been stationed at Muizenberg as early as 1752, and by 1770, he was in command of that post. He must have retired after that, though there is some confusion as to his occupation in 1773. Thunberg says that he was the keeper of the menagerie (at the top of the Company's Garden), whilst the Dagregister refers to him as a dairyman.
Filled with pity for the luckless sailors aboard the wreck, Woltemade mounted his horse and urged the animal into the sea, determined to save some of those in peril. Why he did not carry a line to the wreck is not clear, but the fact is that he rode into the sea without a rope. The horse was a fine swimmer and fought its way gamely through the surf. As they approached the wreck, Woltemade turned the horse and called for two men from the ship to jump into the sea and grasp the horse's tail. After a moment's hesitation, two men threw themselves into the water and did so, whereupon Woltemade urged the horse forward and dragged them to shore. Not satisfied with this feat, Woltemade returned immediately and rescued another two men. He repeated this again and again, until he had drawn fourteen men to safety. By this time, instead of hesitation there was competition amongst the sailors for the next place, as for the horse, it was staggering with exhaustion. Woltemade dismounted to rest the poor animal, whereupon a great cry of despair went up from the wreck. Despite the entreaties of his son, Woltemade mounted the horse again and rode back into the water. Realising this was probably the last trip, the men onboard lost all restraint. As the labouring animal neared the ship, half a dozen men jumped into the water and grasped the horse; one stupid fool caught it by the bridle, dragging the horse's head under. It was all over in a moment - horse, rider and sailors disappeared beneath the waves. No further attempt was made to rescue those aboard the wreck.
As night fell, they watched the beach empty as the soldiers returned to their barracks, and the officials to their warm firesides. Through the night they clung to the wreck in sodden misery; gradually the weather cleared. On the morning of June 2, the sea was still rough, but Jan Jacobs, the junior mate and twenty-four men waded ashore from the wreck. In all, forty-seven men had survived, of whom fourteen owed their lives to Woltemade. That day the shore was littered with bodies; amongst them were the Captain, and Wolraad Woltemade.
The Captain was given an official funeral, but there was nothing so grand for Woltemade. The general opinion at the Castle seems to have been that he was an officious fool who had lost his life unnecessarily. In the first report to Holland, his name is not even mentioned - though considerable space is devoted to the eighteen boxes of money providentially saved. However, Karl Thunberg, who had witnessed the event, did not forget Woltemade; nor did the formers countryman, Anders Sparrman, when he wrote his famous book "A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope" in 1775.
And so the story of the incredible rescue spread. The company named one of its ships the Held Woltemade, and Woltemade had become a legend. Ironically, the ship Held Woltemade, surrendered ignominiously to the English in 1781, without firing a shot, and passed into history. Few people indeed, will be able to tell you the name of the Jonge Thomas, compared with those who know Woltemade's name - yet ironically, none know the name of the real hero, the horse. Woltemade's widow and sons living in Batavia were compensated. A statue of him was created in later years by the sculptor J. Mitford Barberton and erected in the grounds of the Old Mutual Assurance Society in Pinelands, which grew on the grazing fields of the dairy Woltemade had ostensibly managed. A railway station was named after him on the old dairy-farm grounds and this serves the mourners coming to visit the Woltemade Cemetery. The highest South African decoration for bravery was also named after him, the Woltemade medal.
The wreck of the Sévere.
The Sévere was a French man-of-war with 64 guns. It was wrecked at Bloubergstrand in Table Bay on 27 January 1784 while on a voyage from Mauritius to France with a regiment of soldiers. No Lives were lost.
Cape Archives, V. C. 34
The wreck of the L'Éclair.
The L'Éclair was a French ship, commanded by Captain Pronck. It was wrecked on the north-east side of Table Bay at night on 5 February 1821 while on a voyage from Batavia to Antwerp. Six lives were lost.
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/9
The wreck of the John.
The John was a schooner commanded by Captain Kincaid. It was wrecked at Blouberg in Table Bay on 4 December 1821 when she missed stays after a voyage from Plettenberg Bay to Table Bay with a cargo of spice and coffee, which was saved. No lives were lost.
Cape Town Gazette, 4 December 1821
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/9
The wreck of the Cerberus.
The Cerberus was a British ship of 372 tons, built in 1816 in Sunderland, and commanded by Captain Renoldson. Wrecked at Blouberg in Table Bay on 10 March 1821 at night while on a voyage from Ceylon to London.
Cape Town Gazette, 17, 24 March 1821
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1821
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/10
The wreck of the Bengal.
The Bengal was a British barque, commanded by Captain A. Carson. It was wrecked near Blouberg Beach in Table Bay on 17 September 1840 after entering the bay at night while on a voyage from Calcutta to London with a cargo of saltpetre and redwood, part of which was saved at the time. No lives were lost.
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/15
The wreck of the Chartley Castle.
The Chartley Castle was a British wooden barque of 382 tons, built in 1842 at Teignmouth, and commanded by Captain A. McLean. It was wrecked at Milnerton on 8 October 1851 at night after a voyage from London to Table Bay with a cargo of coal. No lives were lost. Her bell is in the Simon's Town museum.
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1851-1852
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/17
The wreck of the Herschel.
The Herschel was a British wooden snow of 221 tons, built in 1839 at Dysart, and commanded by Captain J. McNeill. It was wrecked near Rietvlei in Table Bay at 22H30 on 24 January 1852 after a voyage from Dundee to Table Bay with a cargo of coal. No lives were lost.
Cape Town Mail, 27 January, 1852
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1852-53
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/17
The wreck of the Sandwich.
The Sandwich was a British wooden brig of 150 tons, built in 1810 at Falmouth, and commanded by Captain J. Creighton. It was wrecked 3 km north-east of the Salt River near Rietvlei in Table Bay on 10 August 1853 after entering the bay while on a voyage from Akyab, Burma, to London with a cargo of rice. One man died of exposure in the lifeboat.
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1853-54
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/18
The wreck of the Defence.
The Defence was a British of 608 tons, built in 1844, and commanded by Captain W. Pearson. It was wrecked between the Salt River mouth and Rietvlei, opposite the salt pans, on 5 March 1857 after entering Table Bay at night while on a voyage from manila to Cork with a cargo of 20 000 bags of sugar and 1 500 bags of Manila hemp. No lives were lost.
Cape Argus, 7, 11, 18, 21 March 1857
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1857-58
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/18
The wreck of the Arago.
The Arago was a German barque of 630 tons, commanded by Captain J.C. Kolling. Wrecked at Rietvlei in Table Bay on 30 November 1858 during a south-east gale while on a voyage from Memel (a fortified Prussian sea-port), to Batavia with a cargo of timber. No lives were lost. A court of enquiry found that the captain was drunk at the time.
Cape Argus, 28, 29 December 1858
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/18
The wreck of the Malabar.
The Malabar was a Sardinian ship of 650 tons, commanded by Captain M. D. Michelle. It was wrecked at Rietvlei in Table Bay on 4 November 1858 while on a voyage from London to Aden with a cargo of coal.
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/18
The wreck of the Rastede.
The Rastede was a barque of 462 tons, commanded by Captain J. Froboshe. It was wrecked at Rietvlei in Table Bay on 5 March 1858 during a south-east gale after entering the bay while on a voyage from Newcastle with a cargo of coal. No lives were lost.
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/18
The wreck of the Oste.
The Oste was a German brigantine of 120 tons, registered in Hanover. It was wrecked at Whitesands near Blouberg, Table Bay, on 20 March 1859 at night during a south-east wind while on a voyage from Hanover to Sydney, Singapore and China with a cargo of tar, window-glass and sundries.
Cape Argus, 22 March 1859
Cape Town Gazette, 22 March 1859 (sale notice)
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 2/18
The wreck of the Rover.
The Rover was a South African brig commanded by Captain Furness. It was wrecked at Whitesands near Blouberg, Table Bay, on 22 February 1863 in thick fog while leaving the bay. No lives were lost. The wreck lies 4 km north of the Akbar (1863).
Cape Argus, 24, 26 February 1863 (sale notice)
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 3/7/2/1
The wreck of the Akbar.
The Akbar was a British wooden ship of 809 tons, built in 1852 in Sunderland, and commanded by Captain A. Hutton. It was wrecked at Rietvlei in Table Bay 4 km south of the Rover (1863) on 12 January 1863 during a south-east wind while on a voyage from Siam to London with a cargo of rice, cassia, sticklac and Japanese wood. No lives were lost. Most of her cargo was saves by the steamer Albatross, which was wrecked on Albatross Rock in April 1863.
Cape Argus, 1, 15 January 1863
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1862-63
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 3/7/2/1
The wreck of the Sappho.
The Sappho was a British wooden barque of 374 tons, built in 1840 in Greenock, and commanded by Captain Hildreth. It was wrecked at Blouberg Beach at night on 15 March 1864 during a south-east gale after entering Table Bay while on a voyage from Shanghai to London with a cargo of 600 tons of tea. No lives were lost.
Cape Argus, 17 March 1864
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1864-65
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 3/7/2/1
The wreck of the Rubens.
The Rubens was a British wooden ship of 403 tons, built in 1853 at Aberdeen and commanded by Captain A. Roberts. It was wrecked near Rietvlei on 10 May 1865 at night during a south-east gale after entering Table Bay while on a voyage from Liverpool to Algoa Bay with a general cargo. No lives were lost.
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1853-54
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 3/7/2/1
South African Advertiser and Mail, 11 May 1865
The wreck of the Knysna Belle.
The Knysna Belle was a Cape wooden schooner of 66 tons, built in 1863, and commanded by Captain Carstens. It was wrecked at Rietvlei in Table Bay on 19 June 1876. No lives were lost.
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1876-77
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 3/7/2/2
The wreck of the Onni.
The Onni was a Russian wooden barque of 826 tons, built in 1871, and commanded by Captain H. J. Galenius. It was wrecked at Blouberg on 7 February 1890 at night in fine weather after entering Table Bay while on a voyage from West Hartlepool with a cargo of coal for the Gas Light Company. No lives were lost.
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1890-91
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 3/7/2/4
The wreck of the Atlas.
The Atlas was a Norwegian wooden ship of 1 296 tons, built in 1875 by D. O. Blaisdell, Bath, Maine, and commanded by Captain J. L. Marchussen. Wrecked on Blouberg Beach, Table Bay on 9 October 1896 while on a voyage from Rangoon to the English Channel with a cargo of teak. No lives were lost.
Cape Argus, 10 October, 1896
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1896-97
Shipping Register, Cape Archives, C.C. 3/7/2/5
The wreck of the Hermes.
Hermes, a Houston liner of 3 500 tons, built in 1899 by J. Blumer & Co, Sunderland and commanded by Captain Grose, was en route from the Argentine to Cape Town with a large consignment of forage, livestock and government stores. In addition to the crew, there were 11 passengers bound for South Africa. She arrived at Cape Town harbour on Sunday, May 12th, 1901. Finding the harbour completely full, she had no alternative, but to anchor in Table Bay until a berth became vacant. Soon after dropping anchor, a north-westerly wind sprang up and by nightfall, it was blowing a gale.
Fearing for the safety of the vessel, the second officer advised the ship's master to drop the second anchor to hold the ship steady. The captain, however, felt it was unnecessary. By 2.00 am, the Hermes was dragging her anchor in the heavy swell. As the ship neared the beach, white water was spotted on the starboard side. Attempts to start her engines failed and ten minutes later, the Hermes was hard aground broadside to the beach with waves breaking over her as she rolled in the surge of the sea.
Considering it dangerous to remain on board, the captain decided to get the women off the vessel first, and the ship's gig was lowered. Four women made for the beach in the gig, while their husbands watched anxiously from the ship. Halfway to the shore, the gig capsized in a huge wave and two of the women were drowned; their distressed husbands watched the tragedy, helpless to do anything. A tugboat and the port lifeboat were dispatched to the scene at first light, but owing to the heavy seas, neither boat was able to get very near to the Hermes. The lifeboat did, however, succeed in getting a line on board enabling the crew and remaining passengers to be brought to safety by breeches buoy.
A court of enquiry was held into the stranding some weeks later. It found the captain guilty of negligence, although no blame was attached to him for the loss of life, as he had acted in good faith. His master's certificate was suspended.
The wreck lies shoreward of the Winton (1934), a little north of the Milnerton light house.
Cape Argus, 13, 14 May 1901
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1901-1902
The wreck of the Armenia.
The Armenia was an Italian barque, commanded by Captain Schaffina. It ran ashore during a storm on 9 June 1902 after she had collided with a vessel at the start of a voyage from Table Bay to Delaware in ballast and had anchored of Blouberg. No lives were lost.
Eastern Province Herald, 12 June, 1902
The wreck of the Winton.
On July 28, the well-recorded wreck of the Winton took Place on Milnerton Beach and the wreck is still in evidence if one walks from Milnerton Beach from Milnerton Lighthouse northwards for about half a kilometre.
Built in 1928 by W. Hamilton & Co, Port Glasgow and owned by the Avenue Shipping Company, the Winton was en route from Port Lincoln in South Australia to Liverpool, England, with a cargo of 6 000 tons of wheat. On July 28, 1934, she entered Table Bay in need of bunkers. Her captain, C.J. Mordaunt, an experienced seaman, had never before visited Cape Town harbour and so was unaware that in addition to the harbour navigation lights, there was a misleading radio mast with similar lights erected at Milnerton. Shortly before 9.00 p.m., the captain confused the radio tower lights for the breakwater light and ran his vessel hard ashore on the Milnerton beach, despite desperate efforts by the Port Captain's office to warn him of his error. The entire crew got ashore safely.
Two attempts by tugs to pull the Winton off the beach failed, giving the salvage teams little hope of saving the vessel. Part of her cargo of wheat was removed by barges before the constant battering by the waves caused her port side to bulge amidships and eventually her back broke. She was finally sold where she lay for £500.
An enquiry was held into the cause of the stranding, which led to grounds for six actions of damages being made against the Administration of the South African Railways and Harbours as owners and operators of Table Bay Docks and Navigation System. It took a long time before proceedings began in the Cape Provincial Division of the Supreme Court.
Finally, on January 25, 1938, Mr Justice Centlivres began his judgement. The conclusion he came to was: "The co-existence of the breakwater lights and Milnerton lights did not constitute a danger to the Winton when she entered Table Bay on the night of July 28, 1934, that in these circumstances there was no negligence on the part of the defendants and that the stranding of the Winton was due solely to the grossly negligent manner by which she was navigated." This must have seemed a harsh verdict as there had been five narrow escapes at Milnerton, and only two months before the Winton stranded, the Indian Prince had come to grief in the same spot. Ship's masters had previously stated that in foggy or misty conditions the breakwater light could not be seen as it only had a power of 400 watts and flashed every eight seconds. The radio beacon, had a power of 1 000 watts and flashed every 7 1/2 seconds. The Milnerton Lighthouse now exists to help prevent any further strandings.
Cape Argus, 30 July 1934
Lloyds Register of Shipping, 1934-35